Futureproof: Clearview Highrise Windows

With declining air quality, the cost of cleaning highrise windows has skyrocketed. The Clearview highrise cleaning system seamlessly integrates into most architectural layouts. Using stored and filtered rainwater from the roof, the system’s vertical brush and squeegee assembly regularly sweep across window surfaces to remove dirt and grime. Our building maintenance costs have dropped significantly, and our views have never been so clear.


Rooftop rainwater collection and filter water delivery system
Programmable channel-mounted full-length cleaning brush and squeegee


As air quality continues to degrade and particulates increase in our cities, our highrises can be kept looking their best with new cleaning systems that don’t put traditional window washing crews at risk. Many of those folks can be retrained to deploy and maintain systems like the Clearview Highrise Cleaning System, requiring far less time in the air.

Futureproof is a series of occasional provocations illustrating possible future paths for technology and culture. Think postcards from the future.