Vehicle Interiors for New Purposes

While companies continue to do interesting and beautiful vehicle interior concept work, configurations for accommodating vehicle occupants remain to be explored. As we move towards a new era of Automobility driven by autonomous technology, how might we work or socialize in vehicles when we no longer have to be as attentive to the driving demands we face today?

We are in the midst of a transformative shift in how we perceive and interact with automobiles, placing a strong emphasis on sustainability, connectivity, and user experience. For many, the traditional concept of car ownership may give way to a more sustainable and accessible model of shared and autonomous mobility. This is a world where smart, electric, and self-driving vehicles seamlessly integrate into urban ecosystems, reducing congestion, emissions, and the overall impact on the environment.

At the core of the future of automobility is the idea of the car as a service, where users can summon a vehicle tailored to their specific needs and preferences through a seamless, on-demand mobility platform. The driving experience is reimagined as a multi-modal journey, incorporating not just autonomous cars but also public transport, e-bikes, and scooters, creating a holistic transportation system that's not only efficient but also environmentally friendly. This vision extends to the design of the vehicle itself, emphasizing modularity, flexibility, and adaptability, allowing cars to evolve with changing user needs and technological advancements.

Additionally, a profound shift in the design and user interface of vehicles is coming. In the future, the car will become an extension of the home or office, offering a seamless, connected experience with integrated technology, augmented reality, and personalized environments. With a strong focus on user-centric design, today’s automotive creatives can make automobility not just efficient but also enjoyable, promoting a vision where the future of transportation is more sustainable, accessible, and deeply attuned to the needs of individuals and communities.

Take a closer look at a few explorations via IDEO’s Future of Automobility project summary.

Capturing New Productivity - How might we design future vehicle interiors that empower occupants to work or connect with others en route? What might happen to the affordances for manual driving, and how might that transition take place?

Work or Play - New seating configurations enhanced by new forms of ambiance that allow for more natural social interactions will evolve as Level 5 autonomous systems become available.

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