The Audaciousness of Apollo

Still serving as an inspiration today for those hoping that the human race will someday venture beyond the orbit of our moon to other planets and beyond, the Apollo program is still unsurpassed in its scope and audaciousness. From its inception and from the very moment that President John F. Kennedy declared that America should set out on the grand adventure of setting a man on the moon and safely returning him to earth, the program was marked by boldness.

Recently, the bivouac’s appreciation of the effort grew after acquiring and putting together just a Lego version of the rocket. The size of the astronauts in comparison to the rocket reminds one of just how daunting the program must have felt at times for the tens of thousands of citizens who contributed to the accomplishment. It is fantastic to see the challenge of space travel being taken up once again with the likes of Elon Musk's SpaceX group. Below is a nice clip showing various space vehicles rendered on pad 39-A for side-by-side comparison.

Lego Saturn 5.jpg